Don Prohaska
Rose Sundermeyer
get married!

Rose and Don took time off from BuckSnort Morgans and got married on 31 Dec 1998.

They were married at The Little Brown Church in Iowa.

For them, the true meaning of getting married is expressed by this Apache Wedding Blessing (author unknown).

Apache Wedding Blessing
Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter to the other.

Now you will fee no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.

Now there is no more lonlieness for you,
for each of you will be companion to the other.

Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you.

Go now to enter your dwelling place,
to enter into the days of your togetherness,
and may your days be good, and long upon the earth.

Preparing for the big event!

The Little Brown Church is located about 100 miles south of where we live. The day was cold , and icy, but that didn't stop us! The Little Brown Church provides dressing rooms for the wedding party to prepare in.


Statement of Purpose
Dear friends,

we have come together in the presence of God to witness the marriage of Rose and Donald, to surround them with our prayers, and to share in their joy. The scriptures teach us that the bond and covenant of marriage is a gift of God, a holy mystery in which man and woman become one flesh, an image of the union of Christ and the Church.

As this woman and this man give themselves to each other, we remember that at Cana in Galilae our Saviour Jesus Christ made the wedding feast a sign of God's reign of love.

Let us enter into this celebration confident that through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present with us today. We pray this couple may fulfull God's purpose for the whole of their lives together.

The Actual Ceremony!

The wedding party was small - just the 2 of us, no attendants. The wedding ceremony was attended by Rose's two sisters (Ruth and Violet Sundermeyer), her brother-in-law (Joe Courier) and Don's mother (Zolamae Prohaska).

Wedding Ceremony Photos
Prayer of Blessing
O God of love, You have established marriage for the welfare and happiness of all. Yours is the plan and only with You can we work it out with joy. You said, "It is not good for us to be alone." Now our joys are doubled since the happiness of one is the happiness of the other. Our burdens are halved because we share them. Bless this husband. Bless this wife. May they not expect that perfection of each other that belongs alone to You. May they minimize each other's weaknesses and be swift to praise and magnify each other's strengths, and see each other through a lover's kind and patient eyes. 

Give them enough tears to keep them tender, enough hurts to keep them human, enough failure to keep their hands tightly clenched in Yours, and enough success to make them sure You walk with them.

May they serve You happily, faithfully together, until at last one shall lay the other into Your arms. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ.

we have come together in the presence of God to witness the marriage of Rose and Donald, to surround them with our prayers, and to share in their joy. TThe scriptures teach us that the bond and covenant of marriage is a gift of God, a holy mystery in which man and woman become one flesh, an image of the union of Christ and the Church.

As this woman and this man give themselves to each other, we remember that a Cana in Galilae our Saviour Jesus Christ made the wedding feast a sign of God's reign of love.

Let us enter into this celebration confident that through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present with us today. We pray this couple may fulfull God's purpose for the whole of their lives together.

The Reception!

The wedding reception was held in Mason City, Iowa at the Country Kitchen.

Wedding Reception Photos
After the reception, Rose headed to South Dakato spend a 4-day weekend with her relatives, and Don headed home to take care of the horses.

Thank-you for wanting to share this event with us!